Suffolk University's Math and Computer Science Department seeks qualified candidates for lecturer positions to teach a range of undergraduate courses in statistics and mathematics beginning in the Fall 2024 semester. Typical class sizes range between 20 and 35 students. Classes meet Monday through Friday, with various courses scheduled between the hours of 8:00 am and 7:10 pm. Times and days vary each semester depending on the needs of the department.
An earned Master's degree in Mathematics, Statistics, or a related math-focused field is required; a terminal degree is preferred. Ideal candidates will have experience in teaching foundational statistics and mathematics courses such as Introduction to Statistics, Finite Mathematics, and Math for the Modern World. We are particularly interested in candidates who can demonstrate successful experience working with a diverse student population and commitment to facilitating the attainment of student learning objectives.
Applications should include the following elements: 1) letter of application; 2) current curriculum vitae (CV); 3) teaching evaluations (if available); 4) graduate transcripts; and 5) names and contact information (phone, email) for three possible references.Review of applications will begin immediately; applications will be accepted until all positions are filled.